Insomniac spoke about the personal problems that Peter and Miles will face in Spider-Man 2

Before the long-awaited 2nd part of Marvel’s Spider-Man, a little less than two weeks remained, and although the heroes in masks are an important part of the narrative, for the Insomniac Games studio are no less important and Peter and Miles.

In an interview with Marvel Portal, Brian Intichar, the creative director of the game, said that one of the most striking aspects of the image of Spider-Man is how easily the player can identify himself with him.

We all talked about why we love Spider-Man? I think we said from the very beginning: he is probably the most recognizable superhero of all existing. He is not a soldier, like a captain America. He is not a god, like a torus. He is not a billionaire, like Tony Stark. He is a guy from Queens, and Miles is a guy from Brooklyn. They have good and bad days, strengths and weaknesses, real problems that are all close to us, and the difficulties that we have encountered in life.

I think we are trying to bring it to our every story. Here, for example, for sure, most people in their lives worry when they need to submit documents to college. "Ok, I have to write this essay, this is an essay for college", And he fights this.

And although villains as Craven, Lizard and Venom will be present in the plot of the game, more human problems of characters will still be considered in it. According to the director, this is similar to the baking of the cake: the daily problems of Peter and Miles is the cake itself, and the superhero part is a cherry on the top, which further enhances the plot.

Peter is trying to figure out the situation: " So, I’m going to start a new business – to become a teacher, and I try to understand how to live and occupy aunt May’s house. How can I do it?". And then take the next step – well, you know, now he and Mary Jane are together again, and what is the next step in their relationship? Where will they go?

Probably, each of us has such stories. And not only this: now his best friend Harry returns to St. Petersburg, he has the best friend with whom he grew up, but he also has Miles. How do you cope with this? And then, Emja tries to assert himself, and she has a boss, who has a completely different philosophy.

For John Packett, the head of the narrative department, the conflict between Peter Parker and Spider-Man is also an important aspect for the character. For them, the victory of a hero does not necessarily mean a person’s victory under a mask, since there are always victims.

When we write and create characters, we always say that when Spider-Man wins, Peter loses, or Miles loses, or Emji loses. This conflict will always exist, because it is not just one big sacrifice in every story about Spider-Man. Spider-man constantly sacrifices himself, he constantly has to choose: "Do I do something for Spider-Man or do something for myself?". This, I think, makes it so cool, somewhat recognizable character, but working with such a dynamics is very fun".

Commenting on the choice in favor of the 23-year-old Peter Parker, the creative director Intichard said that the choice fell on this age, because it was at this time that he began to live independently, guided by his own life.